Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trying To Clear Up The Business Service Management Confusion

Is one company's public presentation direction simply service direction by another name? Bashes it count what you name it, as long as the end consequence is A better business?

These were some of the inquiries buzzing around my caput after two interviews I conducted, one with Lisa Erickson-Harris, a research manager for Enterprise Management Associates, a research house that focuses on substructure management, and the other with Nicola Sanna, chief executive officer of public presentation direction software system supplier Netuitive.

In her September interview, Erickson-Harris attempted to unclutter up some of my confusion around the footing service degree direction (SLM), IT service direction (ITSM) and concern service direction (BSM). She proposes that SLM focuses more than than on response and declaration modern times for IT services, while BSM associates more directly to the broader concern and gross objectives.

I didn't experience quite so clueless when she mentioned that many attendants of a Webcast presented by her house seemed similarly confused:

...if you speak to an endeavor user, you'll at least acquire an reply about what BSM intends to them and why it's important. It doesn't necessarily intend they have got BSM executions under way, but it makes average that they are starting to acquire a manage on it and starting to set some of the encouraging pieces in place. I believe when SLM started out, it was about bringing IT closer to the concern and better alignment, but there was a measure missing in between. So there needed to be another layer between SLM - rising above the siloes - and then crossing the span to really looking at the business.

Interest in and increased acceptance of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) have helped advance BSM, states Erickson-Harris. Sanna agreed and named BSM/ITIL arsenic one of four megatrends that is driving involvement in his company's software system (along with an "explosion" in distributed systems, virtualization and an increased accent on real-time data).

Read the complete interview: SLM's Star Is Rising

In his interview, Adding Smarts to System Management, Sanna explicates that companies are shifting their focusing from the substructure that enables them to supply services to the services themselves.

The service sit downs on top of all of those engineering layers. But (companies) are no longer happy with "green" on the network, "it's not my fault" and so on. But how am I serving my customers? That Iodine attention about. And do certain you can give me an reply while we are deploying virtualization, which is saving us money on the dorsum end.

Traditional system direction attacks (which Sanna names "brute force") are too labor-intensive to scale well and deficiency the flexibleness needed for virtualized environments, which are very fluid. He mentions a Gartner study in which 70 percentage of IT executive directors gave their current system direction tools a class of Degree Centigrade or D.

...that is based on people managing individual servers. If they are having that much job and that much dissatisfaction managing person systems, talking about end-to-end services is a problem that is exponentially more than complex. Now you are talking about all of these human relationships between the different systems and how they are impacting one another. If there is a 70 percentage dissatisfaction charge per unit with managing person systems, how can you use that same attack to a much more than composite model?

Netuitive's approach, states Sanna, is to add an analysis layer to system direction "to do the information intuitive and to be able to flag exclusions automatically." The company have won some pretty large clients with this approach, including Orbitz, AT&T and Wachovia.

Of course, it confronts competition from the likes of IBM, calcium and HP, which just launched a new BSM suite that integrates engineering gained in its acquisition of Mercury Interactive.

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