Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bungee offers hosted software development

Boasting of a one-of-a-kind solution for the application development lifecycle, Bungee Labs is launching the public beta Tuesday
of Bungee Connect, an on-demand platform for Web application development and deployment.

Featured is a full gamut of tools and services to construct and host applications. "Bungee Connect is a single platform for the
development, testing, deployment, and hosting of rich Web applications," said Lyle Ball, ' frailty president of marketing.

With the platform, developers can join forces to construct Web applications leveraging multiple Web services and databases. Applications
are deployed on Bungee Labs' multi-tenant power system substructure and can be SaaS-based or offered as stand-alone Web destinations. They are accessed via popular browsers.

Rather than developers having to piece disparate pieces such as as IDE, an Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) toolkit,
and testing and coaction tools, Bungee supplies all these capabilities.

"Developers log onto Bungee Connect. It's in the cloud and it's a hosted environment," Ball said.

Bungee depicts its merchandise as a platform-as-a-service system, in which the full software system development lifecycle can be
supported on the same computer science environment to cut down costs, risks, and clip to market.

Because Bungee Connect is entirely based on-demand, users can construct and deploy applications without installing or configuring
waiters and can link to multiple Web services from within a single environment, said Brad Hintze, Bungee manager of product

"I believe it's got some very interesting benefits because it's managing to incorporate development and deployment but in a service
environment, so it lets for a developer to [have] entree to tools," said Danu Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions. "It also at the same clip gives them a topographic point to deploy their applications without having to worry," about run-time choices
and operational issues," he said. Alice Paul Krill is editor at big at InfoWorld. Continued1 | | »

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