Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's time for a Google fight

Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO -- Google is working on an Internet encyclopaedia consisting of stuff submitted by people who desire to be identified as experts and maybe net income from their knowledge.

The concept, outlined recently in a posting on its Web site, presents a possible challenge to the non-profit-making Wikipedia, which have drawn upon the corporate wisdom of unpaid, anonymous subscribers to emerge as a widely used mention tool.

Google is calling its option "knol" -- stenography for a "unit of knowledge."

Submissions are by invitation only as Google fine-tunes the system, but the Internet hunt leader said it eventually will print articles by all comers.

"There are millions of people who possess utile cognition that they would love to share, and there are billions of people who can profit from it," wrote Ubi Manber, Google's frailty president of engineering, in the company's posting. "We believe that many do not share that cognition today simply because it is not easy adequate to make that."

Since it was founded on the same knowledge-sharing premiss six old age ago, Wikipedia have got compiled 2.1 million English- linguistic communication articles, as well as billions more in tons of other languages.

The Googlepedia, as some are calling it, will differ from Wikipedia by identifying who wrote each article and striving to honor the authors by giving them a opportunity to make money from Google's advertisement network.

Critics state Wikipedia's cloak of namelessness have made its articles more vulnerable to mischief-making and other maltreatments that have led to inaccuracies.

Citizendium, an Internet encyclopaedia launched this year, also take a firm stands on identifying the writers of its articles. But unlike Google, Citizendium trusts on a collaborative redaction procedure to verify the truth of its articles.

"Google will not function as an editor in any way, and will not bless any content," Manber wrote. "All column duties and control will rest with the authors."

Google trusts to maintain subscribers honorable by allowing visitants to charge per unit entries and go forth comments.

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